More Rights for People – A Contribution to the Fundamental Rights Debate

December 2003, Veronika Adensamer, Dr. Werner T. Bauer,Dr. Andreas Höferl, Bela Hollos, Mag. Paul Pöchhacker, 9 Pages

The Austrian convention on constitutional reform has begun its work in the summer of 2003. After the first months it is clear that many questions revolve around how the tasks and rights of individual institutions of the state could be changed. We believe, however, that the central question which is not getting enough attention is how to broaden the rights of people in Austria and thus further develop and secure democracy. We therefore present our proposals for the expansion of social and political rights for people in Austria. We have in part relied on already formulated rights in the constitutions of other European countries as well as on the draft of the EU constitution. In the second part we take a position on the SPÖ’s catalogue of fundamental rights.

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