
Remunicipalisations in Europe

February 2019, Alexander Furtner, BA; Mag.a Susanne Halmer, Ba; Selma Kaya, BA; Dipl.Ing. Laurentius Terzic; Liam Wülbeck, 165 pages

700 remunicipalisations in the last 20 years show that the communities rediscover the own provision of services of general interest, whereas the European Union follows its liberalisation course undeterred. However, the current retransfers show: communities are often more efficient and more cost effective than private providers!

report, in German (pdf)

the report in English (pdf)

Subsidized Housing- Comparing Madrid, Munich, Paris, Prague and Warsaw

August 2018, Mag. Bela Hollos, 20 pages

The „Vienna Model of Housing Policy“ serves as an example for many cities worldwide. But stagnation is regression and there is always room for improvement. This study compares five European metropolitan cities in terms of their funding policies and examines how successful they are based on different criteria.

report, in German (pdf)

Water Supply Organisation in the EU

May 2015, Mag.a Susanne Halmer, BA, MMag.a Barbara Hauenschild, 15 Pages

The responsibility for the water supply is organised similarly across Europe. In almost all member states of the European Union, the water supply is the responsibility of the municipalities or the regions. However, in recent decades there has been a major change: the increasing involvement of private actors.

report, in German (pdf)

Remunicipalisation of public services in the EU

March 2014 (completely revised), Susanne Halmer, Barbara Hauenschild, 207 pages

In the new completely revised study on remunicipalisation in the European Union, the ÖGPP deals with the current trends in relation to providing services of general interest. Whilst communities rediscover own provision and re-municipalise private services, the European Union follows its liberalisation course undeterred. However, the current retransfers show: communities are often more efficient and more cost effective than private providers!

report, in German (pdf)

the report in English (pdf)

Arguments and facts of the Concessions Directive

March 2013, Barbara Hauenschild, Susanne Halmer, Andreas Höferl

What is the planned EU Concessions Directive? What consequences might it have for services of public interest in Austria? These questions are answered by the study on "Arguments and Facts of the Concessions Directive". Apart from that it contains examples of the consequences of the liberalisation and privatisation of public services in the EU.

report, in German (pdf)

(Re)municipalisation of public services in the EU

October 2012, Susanne Halmer, Barbara Hauenschild, 77 pages

Remunicipalisation - a new trend in providing public services? After decades of liberalisation and privatisation, there are currently signs of reverse tendencies in various public sector services. The present study examines the question of what is understood by remunicipalisation and shows, which empirical examples for remunicipalisation do already exist in the EU.

report, in German (pdf)

Privatisation and liberalisation of public services in the EU 2008

May 2008, WErner T. Bauer, Bela Hollos, Michael Huber-Strasser, Luise Wernisch, 60 pages

The document outlines the development of the liberalisation and privatisation over the past years in selected public service sectors, which are important for the regions and municipalities of the EU. These include the areas waste, education, healthcare, culture, public transport, security, electricity and gas, water and wastewater as well as housing. The study is based on an evaluation and update of the most significant results of the series of studies "Privatisation and Liberalisation of Public Services in the EU", which the ÖGPP prepared between 2002 and 2004. The results clearly show that - due to a wide range of negative experiences - the speed of liberalising and privatising public services in the EU has noticeably decreased in many, even though not in all sectors.

report, in German (pdf)

The “EU Services Directive” - facts and arguments in respect of a legal form, which would concern everybody

March 2006, Bela Hollos, Andreas Höferl, 45 pages

Some say: It would be the intended accomplishment of the Internal Market. It would open the market to ensure that service providers across Europe would be able to work without obstructions at last. Unnecessary red tape would be reduced. Hundreds of thousands additional jobs would be created. Protected sectors such as services of general interest would be spared. The rights of employees would also not be affected. And Austria would be among the main beneficiaries. Others say: it would be the so far most radical and comprehensive assault on social systems of the EU States. It would not accomplish the internal market, but its consequence would be a diminished democracy. It would result in most massive wage and social dumping and mean abandoning services of general interest. Consumer protection would be reduced to a minimum and environmental standards would be bypassed. It would lead to enormous legal uncertainty. The "Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Services in the Internal Market" would let emotions run high. As it would fundamentally change the life of many people in Europe. We have outlined all significant aspects concerning this Directive in a clear, comprehensible and complete manner.

report, in German (pdf)

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